Saturday, October 4, 2008

Primtionary, going on tour, needing a low prim stage

Primtionary has to thank it's many sponsors:

Low Prim Luxury @ Lok's- Sells a lot of great furniture

Starship Jeffersons- Sells original handmade quality textures

Scope Cleaver- specialize in custom stores and luxury homes

Random Calliope- Sells low lag jewelry, wonderfully made

Liquid Heat- a wonderful sim that is a role playing sim with Hogwarts

Check them all out they are great

The sponsors are wonderful and to let them know we are going to let the sponsors have Primtionary at their spot for once a month, yes the whole place will move for one time and go to their spot free of charge and we will get to see their places. To so that Primtionary is going to be holding a contest on a build the Best Primtionary Stage. For that stage it is going to have to be low prims but yet workable. The stage will need to be for sitting for the audience and a place to build and a place for the host to sit.

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